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When we have vacancies at Oakwood they will be listed here, with the job description, application deadline and application email address.


Our recruitment process is as follows:


  1. Vacancy is advertised

  2. Anyone on our vacancy update list is emailed making them aware

  3. Applications are invited by cover letter and email

  4. Initial interviews are either telephone, video or face to face

  5. Practical interviews test the applicant's ability to perform the specific role to standard (the interview content depends on the role we are recruiting for).

  6. A decision is made and position offered

  7. New employees work a trial period (varies by role)


How to apply for vacancies


When you are ready to apply for an advertised vacancy please submit your covering email and attach a CV. Emails should be sent by email only here.


Vacancy mailing list


We have a mailing list which we email out to when there is a new vacancy. If you would like to be added please submit your details on the following form.

Thank you for submitting your details. When a new vacancy arises you will notified and can apply for that specific vacancy. Many thanks.

Current vacancies

There are no vacancies at this time.


Oakwood Sports Centre

Smallfield Road, Horley, RH6 9AU​​

01293 822238​

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Open hours

Mon-Fri: 7.30am-10.00pm

Sat-Sun: 8.30am-6.00pm


Bank holidays

Centre open 7.30am-1pm

Please use the ClubLink App to see class timetable updates.


Complaints and feedback​

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